Invasive Species Removal


Healthy, diverse natural ecosystems are vital to all life. But human occupation often brings with it hard-to-control, non-native plant and animal species that can become invasive and detrimental to native species and ecosystems. This is the case with Cryptostegia grandiflora, the so-called India Rubber Vine (also known as German Carnation). This plant grows in more humid areas in the East Cape’s draws, arroyos and montane canyons. When it establishes itself it is very dense and crowds out all other plants, consumes much scarce water, and thereby preventing other natural or human activity. LegacyWorks Group is working with local landowners and experts from CIBNOR, a respected applied research and education institution, to remove this plant in an environmentally friendly way, initially in the environs of Cabo Pulmo. In addition to non-chemical removal, the project will train and employ local workforce, and educate local residents and tourists about the costs and benefits of removal.


Honoring Sandy Mason


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