How We Work
As a community- and client-driven consultancy working on our partners’ highest priority initiatives, we get to work across all the topical and programmatic areas that are critical to the wellbeing and resilience of our communities and landscapes. Our team is made up of leaders - both established and emerging - with experience and expertise in these arenas and more importantly with the skills and capacity to work in the increasingly complex intersectional spaces among them.
At its heart, our work is shaped by the principles that we have found are essential to creating generative spaces where everyone can show up authentically and bring their gifts to a partnership. This in turn allows us to build trust and real relationships and open up to the learning and personal and organizational growth required to step into complexity and wayfind together. With the right conditions in place, each project becomes a crucible for capacity building, creating even more favorable conditions for subsequent partnerships and initiatives. Implementing the principles shown to the right in a partnership effectuates a widespread change at a small scale - shifting culture and setting new expectations for how we come together in common cause to meet our shared needs and goals.
Impact Model
To work in response to community needs at the intersection of multiple impact areas, we take an emergent approach and think in terms of strategic processes as well as within strategic plans. Our work always begins by bringing an initiative with deep impact potential to life, whether in our backyards or across the continent for client engagements. Each initiative, represented by a dot in the spiral to the right, delivers important direct outcomes - acres restored or protected, regenerative ag practices implemented, services delivered - while also building capacity, skills, relationships, trust and networks needed to drive bigger change. These extended outcomes create the potential to achieve the transformative impact needed to build community and disaster resilience, address widespread unfairness, and shift systems from extractive to regenerative cycles.