Our Principles - How we Work


Our work is built upon a set of core principles that guide how we come together as a team, how we build and lead collaborations, and how we engage our communities. Customized by and for each group, these principles build trust, deepen relationships and connect participants. We believe these principles embody the world we're working towards and the transformation required to get there. With these principles at their core, each project becomes a small seed of the future we want.

Bring our Whole Selves

Enable everyone to bring their whole selves with fidelity and integrity and to be conscious, open, curious and committed to learning

Learn by Acting and Reflecting

Reflect, explore, design, act and repeat, growing by doing important work together, starting small, experimenting with new ways, and actively learning all along the way

Cultivate Trust and Collaboration

Build trust and healthy relationships as a foundation for collaboratively pursuing transformative change

Hold the Big Picture and the Long View

We embrace complexity, engage in systems thinking, hold questions and move into the unknown to empower transformative change at scale over the long term

Empower Vision and Growth

Cultivate personal, organizational and community development at our growing edges by daring to dream big and actively creating affirmations that support our growth and replace limiting beliefs

Welcome, Hear and Honor all Voices

We craft supportive, safe, equitable, accessible and inclusive processes and spaces that welcome and actively include the full diversity of our communities’ voices





Our Collaborative Impact Model


Santa Barbara 2019 Report