Strengthening Community Resilience: Wildfire Risk Reduction and Habitat Restoration in Goleta
As part of ongoing efforts to address wildfire risks and restore ecosystems in Santa Barbara County, LegacyWorks, together with the Cachuma Resource Conservation District (CRCD) and the Community Environmental Council (CEC), is proud to be a coordinating partner of the Wildfire Resilience Collaborative (WRC).

Increasing the Capacity and Collaboration to Conserve the Gaviota Coast
LegacyWorks is excited to partner with the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UCSB for a master’s group project aimed at conserving the Gaviota Coast.

Local Film Featured in Wild and Working Lands Film Festival April 12
“Who will carry this on when we are gone? Who will carry on the traditions of the Crow people?” asks Noel Two Leggins in Rylon Bird’s new film, The Return, which will be featured in the Wild and Working Lands Film Festival on April 12 at the Cody Theatre.