Isla Vista Community Engagement

Community Center Implementation Plan


In 2018, LegacyWorks Group was invited by community leaders to facilitate a community engagement project focused on infrastructure in Isla Vista. The project, funded by the Santa Barbara Foundation, followed a 2016 Placemaking workshop that identified an array of community needs. With representatives of UCSB, the Isla Vista Community Services District and the Isla Vista Recreation and Park District, LegacyWorks gathered and reviewed hundreds of community reports and planning documents. Then, in consultation with key stakeholders in Isla Vista, created an Opportunity Matrix grid in which specific projects were scored on their impact, cost, community need and overall benefit to Isla Vista. 

Through this process, the Isla Vista Community Center was identified as the top priority project. LegacyWorks and the project partners prepared an implementation plan, laying out the key players and steps required to expedite work in progress and bring the Community Center to life. The Isla Vista Community Center opened for operation in October 2019 and continues to explore additional ways to serve the community. One of the key outcomes from the project was the strengthening of working partnerships among various Isla Vista community and political groups, as well as UCSB.


Montecito Community Wildfire Protection Plan


Partnership for Resilient Communities