Baja Sur Impact Expedition: The Geography of Hope

For a few special days in November 2019, 60+ engaged actors explored Baja California Sur’s “Cabo del Este” region aboard the MV Sea Lion. The journey, organized by LegacyWorks Group with support from Lindblad Expeditions and a number of generous philanthropies and individuals, was designed to engage and harness the collective wisdom of participants. Our aim was to articulate a vision and advance initiatives to achieve the “geography of hope” that has long inspired sudcalifornianos, the Mexican nation, and visitors from across the planet. 

The expedition was designed to: 

  • EXPLORE to understand the region’s natural and cultural riches and challenges; 

  • ENVISION the possibilities of a resilient, regenerative future; 

  • DESIGN collaborative strategies to enable change, capturing ideas and input in an Opportunity Matrix; and, 

  • ACT on the highest impact opportunities to leverage human, financial and natural capital in service of a shared vision. 

For all involved, the journey was a first. It was the perfect itinerant venue to gather a widely diverse group of local community members, Mexican and international philanthropists, scientists, artists, for- and non-profit leaders, expatriates, government and elected officials, and more. Each one of us was encouraged to physically, emotionally and intellectually immerse ourselves in the region and find pathways toward a vision of thriving communities and nature in Cabo del Este. For many local activists, it marked a refreshing, or even watershed moment, in their long work to protect the area. For new visitors it created opportunities to deeply learn and offer their unique knowledge and energy to help in the efforts.

Our Shared Vision

Inspired by this collective visioning, LegacyWorks offers a SHARED Vision and Values Statement that diverse groups, businesses and individuals could collectively adopt to guide their work.

We seek a new path that honors and embraces both nature and community as an indivisible whole, and supports local communities in their efforts to create a regenerative society and economy that cares for and protects both. We refuse to sacrifice the wellbeing of nature to benefit people, or the wellbeing of communities to protect the environment, and recognize that local communities and leaders are the key to achieving this vision. We envision diverse East Cape human communities working together; able to think beyond themselves to embrace the entire biological community and beyond one generation to many.

Expedition Log


Onboard Working Sessions






The Google docs linked below are collaborative and in-progress. For security, these links take you to a view only version. If you wish to contribute, please contact James Honey.

Group Notes from ACT Working Sessions:

Trip Handouts